Large amounts of data at a reasonable price

We have created VPS Storage for cost-effective storage of large data amounts. All our VPS Storage servers feature a 1Gb/s bandwidth, a 2.4 GHz CPU clock speed, and run on the Linux operating system.

VPS Storage enables you to store compressed archives, backup copies, and more. The VPS Storage service can also serve as an additional safeguard for your data in case of loss with another provider.

Capacity RAM Transfer Price (net/mth)
100 GB 1 GB 2 TB/mth 2.50 USD
500 GB 2 GB 4 TB/mth 5.00 USD
1 TB 2 GB 8 TB/mth 10.00 USD
2 TB 4 GB 10 TB/mth 20.00 USD
4 TB 4 GB 20 TB/mth 40.00 USD
8 TB 4 GB 30 TB/mth 80.00 USD

We prioritize security by using branded server hardware, although we do not perform data backups. Data is stored on disks in a RAID 10 array within a data center compliant with industry standards and regulations. We offer a fast 1 Gbps connection to provide comfort when transferring data. The service is scalable and you can increase the storage space at any time. Please note that VPS Storage is not intended for typical hosting services (such as web or email hosting) and port 25 is blocked.


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